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샤르자 IBBY 후원금 발족

작성자 KBBY사무국장
작성일 2012-05-24 19:33 | 조회 3,729 | 댓글 0


 IBBY 아랍에미리트 위원회와 IBBY가 어린이들의 평생 독서 습관을 지원하고 책을 공급하기 위한 독서 교육 프로그램을 위한 사르쟈 후원금을 시작했습니다.

이 후원금은 전쟁과 내전, 자연재해 등으로 힘겨운 시간을 보내고 있는 중앙 아시아와 북아프리카 아이들을 위한 독서 프로그램을 우선적으로 지원합니다.

사르쟈 후원금은 2012년 샤르자 엑스포 센터에서 열린 샤르자 아동 도서 축제에서 Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi와 IBBY 회장이자 아랍 위원회들의 대표이며 아동문학문화 관계자이고 또한 대중 매체 대표자인 Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin가 참석한 가운데 이루어졌습니다.

후원금에 대한 회의는 기자 회견 전 이미 아랍에미리트 위원회와 IBBY에 의해 이루어 져 결정이 되었습니다. 찬성의 의미로 샤르자 정부는 앞으로 십년 간 십만 스위스 프랑을 지원할 것을 약속했습니다.

또한 자문위원회가 이 후원금을 관리 및 감독 할 것입니다. 자문위원회는 Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi에 의해 이끌어 질 것이며, IBBY 후원 재단 위원장과 아랍에미리트와 IBBY가 공동으로 추천한 네 명의 위원이 포함될 것입니다.

Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi는 "아랍에미리트는 지금까지 국경을 넘어 많은 문화와 인재 발전에 공헌해 왔고, 앞으로도 미래의 재산인 아이들을 위한 지원을 가장 우선시 하여 국제 문화와 인재 발굴에 도움이 되도록 하겠다"고 발언했습니다.

또한 그녀는 이 후원금의 목표가 아랍에미리트 위원회와 IBBY가 공동으로 아이들의 독서를 통한 인지 능력 발달과 독서 습관 들이기, 그리고 책을 통한 환경적 트라우마 치료를 지원하며 특히나 힘겨운 상황에 있는 아이들에게 교육 기회를 주기 위한 것이라 설명했습니다.

이 후원금은 IBBY 재단과 별개의 독립적인 후원금입니다.

이 글은 요약번역문으로 원문은 아래 첨부합니다.

Contact: Susan Raab
Raab Associates/NY

IBBY and UAEBBY launch the

Sharjah IBBY Fund

One million Swiss Francs in support of a reading culture among the region's children

The United Arab Emirates Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) and the International Board on Book for Young People (IBBY) Foundation launched the Sharjah government-supported Sharjah IBBY Fund which aims to promote a love of reading among children so that they become life-long readers, ensure that children have access to books as well as support needed training programmes for professionals in this field.

The Fund aims primarily to provide support for children whose lives have been disrupted through war, civil disorder or natural disasters in the region of Central Asia and North Africa through implementing reading-related projects.

The launch of this Fund was announced at a press conference held during the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival 2012 at Sharjah Expo Centre in the presence of Her Excellency Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi President of the UAEBBY, Mr. Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin President of IBBY, representatives from various Arab national sections of IBBY, stakeholders in the field of culture and children's literature as well as media representatives.

The agreement to establish the Fund was signed by the UAEBBY and the IBBY Foundation prior to the press conference. As part the agreement, the Sharjah government will contribute one million Swiss Francs (equivalent to AED4 million) towards the objectives of the Fund over a period of 10 years.

As per the agreement, an Advisory Committee will be set up to manage and supervise the fund. The Advisory Committee will be chaired by HE Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi and will include as members IBBY Foundation President and four other members to be appointed by the UAEBBY and IBBY.

Speaking on this occasion, HE Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al Qasimi said: "The emirate of Sharjah has been at the forefront of many cultural and humanitarian initiatives in the region, whose effect have been felt far beyond the borders of our country thanks to the constant support of His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. As child development is a top priority for His Highness, the launch of this Fund comes to highlight the important role played by Sharjah in the global cultural and humanitarian sphere".

HE Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi explained that the Sharjah IBBY Fund, built on a cooperation between the IBBY and the UAEBBY, will work to support children's intellectual development through reading, and nurture children's reading habits, and provide relief from trauma through books and reading, particularly for children living in situations of conflict or post-conflict in various parts of this region and who are suffering from the adverse effects on these conflicts on health, welfare and educational opportunities.

"This fund will support the IBBY's activities in Central Asia and North Africa, help to expand its current network of IBBY through enabling national sections in these countries to emerge or develop the work they do to promote children's literature, provide them with needed books, training courses and guidance as well as supporting long term projects that would allow them to respond effectively to challenges faced by children who are victims of wars, crises, poverty and disease", Her Excellency added.

HE Sheikha Bodour clarified that the fund will finance a new IBBY-led training programme that will offer the necessary training to the national sections in the targeted countries in addition to supporting long-term children's reading projects in unstable and war torn countries such as the Gaza Strip, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya.

Her Excellency concluded: "Through this initiative, we seek to convey a message to the region and the world about the importance of books and literature for children and the need to give them priority above all other considerations, in order to produce literate and cultured generations who are able to proceed with lives with success and confidence".

Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin, President of the IBBY, said: "I am thrilled to join you today on this unique children's literature occasion and delighted to announce the Sharjah IBBY Fund that will help and support the children in the region, to develop their love of reading and provide the right books and environment to do so".

"In times of trouble and crises that impact children's cultural development and limit the resources available to develop their love of reading, we are confident that the Sharjah IBBY Fund will help promote children's literature in the region and enable children to develop as life-long readers overcome the difficulties which result from the health, psychological or financial challenges they face and finally triumph over the effects of crises that had affected their countries", he added.

Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin extended thanks to the Sharjah Government represented by His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi and to HE Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi for their generous initiative to support IBBY activities all over the world.

The IBBY Foundation is an independent organization based in Switzerland, that aims to raise funds and contributions to finance the IBBY's activities. IBBY is an independent organization, separate from IBBYF, based in Switzerland that aims to encourage reading and bring children and books together. UAEBBY is the national section of IBBY in the UAE.

For more information, please contact:

Yousef Al Tawell
Account Manager
Sahara PR, UAE
Tel: +971 4 3298996
Fax: +971 4 3298995
Mob: +971 55 50 66 111
Email: yousuf@saharagcc.com
Web Site: www.saharagcc.com

Liz Page
IBBY Executive Director
Tel: 4161 272 2917
Fax: +4161 272 2757
e-mail: liz.page@ibby.org
Web Site: www.ibby.org

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IBBY소식 목록

Total 192
IBBY소식 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
102 텍스트 2014년 안데르센 상 최종후보 명단 발표 KBBY사무국장 03-18 2552
101 텍스트 Asian Festival of Children's Contont(AFCC) 2014 KBBY사무국장 03-18 2304
100 파일첨부 IBBY Press Conference 2014 KBBY사무국장 03-03 2492
99 파일첨부 2014년 IBBY 일정 KBBY사무국장 02-03 2416
98 텍스트 영국, 우루과이, 키프로스 지부에서 보내온 연하장 KBBY사무국장 12-20 2784
97 텍스트 IBBY 제 34회 멕시코시티 총회 안내(등록) KBBY사무국장 12-12 2707
96 파일첨부 Silent Books Final Destination Lampedusa Catalouge(영문) KBBY사무국장 08-20 2720
95 파일첨부 IBBY Asia-Oceania Newsletter July 2013 (영어) KBBY사무국장 07-25 2778
94 파일첨부 IBBY Asain Newsletter February 2013 (영어) KBBY사무국장 02-12 2975
93 텍스트 IFLA Satellite Conference KBBY사무국장 01-30 4133
92 파일첨부 2012년 IBBY General Assembly(총의회) 참관 자료 KBBY사무국장 12-11 3114
91 파일첨부 2012년 IBBY 제 33회 런던 총회 참관 보고서 KBBY사무국장 12-11 3025
90 텍스트 IBBY 제 1회 아시아-오세아니아 지역 총회 안내 KBBY사무국장 10-02 5084
89 텍스트 IBBY 제 33회 런던 총회 안내 KBBY사무국장 07-30 4380
88 파일첨부 IBBY Asain Newsletter July 2012 (영어) KBBY사무국장 07-25 3285
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KBBY 국제아동청소년도서협의회
(Korean Board on Books for Young people)

KBBY는 문화체육관광부 출판인쇄산업과 비영리민간단체로 등록되어 있습니다
[등록번호 2011-7호]

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